Inspired from a live poetry show with Andrei Dobos and me hosted by Alex Ciorogar in Atelier-Cafe, Cluj.
Andrei Dobos was born in 1984. He is the author of four collections of poems: mănăștur story (2007, Vinea, awarded with „Iustin Panţa” Prize for Poetry), Inevitabil (2011, Casa de Pariuri Literare), Valea rea (2015, Cartea Românească), and Spiro (Charmides, 2016).
Andrei Doboș s-a născut în 1984. A publicat volumele mănăștur story (2007, Vinea, volum distins cu premiul „Iustin Panţa” pentru debut), Inevitabil (2011, Casa de Pariuri Literare) Valea rea (2015, Cartea Românească) și Spiro (Charmides, 2016).
Voice and poetry: Andrei Dobos.
Music, mix: Danaga.
Master: Alien Pimp
Instruments: elektron analog keys, hohner pianet, african percussions.